Thursday, January 27, 2011

Food for Thought - The Zodiac

I don't believe in the Zodiac.  Having said that, I do think it's a lot of fun and, over the years, it seems that I've incororated my classification in the Aquarius sun sign as part of my idea of myself.  After all, this is the Age of Aquarius, right?  Well, recently, the powers that be decided to redo the Zodiac - heresy!  My friend and fellow Aquarian, Belinda Rubens, sent me this poem yesterday that a friend wrote for her after someone mistakenly identified her as a Capricorn:


                                            Dear ______, tho I would not mind
                                           To write my name upon the line
                                           Of Capricorn's great list.

                                           Yet fate would have it otherwise;
                                            I cannot take another guise
                                            From that the gods do wist.

                                            'Twas accidental conjugation
                                            Of parents on the old plantation
                                            That set my date of birth.

                                            Young they were, and lusty, too
                                            When they lay them down and knew
                                            The oldest joy on earth.

                                            So nine month later from that time
                                            When long sere cornstalks sparked with rime
                                            I gave my natal cry.

                                            Cold it was, and all did shiver
                                            Across the Mississippi River
                                            In the City of Memphi.

                                            I, a first born, greeted raptest
                                            In the hos-pit-al called Baptist
                                            Came upon the earth.

                                            Since Zodiacal signs be various
                                            I came into this life Aquarius;
                                            Thus was it at my birth.

                                            And tho there be among Aquarians
                                            Anabaptists and Rotarians
                                            There also be those that follow:

Then there is along list of Aquarian luminaries including Lord Byron, Paul Newman and Babe Ruth.

My attitude is, "they" can change whatever they want - from now forward.  But they can't go back and make folks who have aligned themselves under a sign for upteen years to now be something else.  Tain't right!  So hurray for all sun signs, but especially Aquarius!

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