Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Front Entrance Re-Do

You know I've complained about my front entrance for years, not enough room for guests to get in the front door without stepping back down the steps, etc.  I wanted to tear it all out and redo all the brickwork, but *someone* wouldn't let me.  So I went the easy, quick way and redid the landscaping.   It's finished now (for the time being!)  Here are some before and after photos.

Front - before

Front - after

South side - before

South side - after

North side - before

North side - after
You can't see them, but behind the azaleas on either side are Nikko Blue hydrangeas which I hope will peek over the tops of the azaleas next summer.

I also redid part of the back while I was at it:

Back garden - before

Back garden - after

And do you remember my yearning for this trellis?  Thanks to my handy-dandy sons and daughter-in-law and girlfriend:

My Mother's Day trellis!

I made sure to leave space for future purchases - like maybe in Jackson this Thursday when I go to Summer Celebration!