How It Started and What It Is Now

This blog started out as described below.  But as time passed, even I became bored with a recitation of recipes and events.  Now I just post intermittently and with thoughts, links, happenings that are of interest to me.  Maybe what interests me will interest you.  The quote at the end of the page still applies.

The blog started as:
Years ago I did a weekly calendar for the family and posted it on the kitchen bulletin board for everyone to see.  I'd show scheduled events for the week, the dinner menu for each day, and try to incorporate some kind of picture, either a family photo or something interesting from the web.  As my job became more demanding and the boys left home, I abandoned this project.
I kept the calendars, though, and ran across them the other day when I was cleaning out some files.  Going through them brought back so many memories.  There was no such thing as blogging back then!  So I thought I'd give this a go and share it with friends and family.

Most of us are pretty good cooks, but we still struggle to come up with dinner menus that are quick and easy and good - and not the same old thing week after week!   I do weekly menu plans because it just removes a level of stress from my life.  I sit down once a week, usually on Friday or Saturday, and look at our calendar for the upcoming week and decide what days I'm going to cook.  Then I go through my recipes and  do a menu plan for each night and make up the grocery list at the same time.  I shop once a week for that week.  This way I don't have the "what's for supper" cloud hanging over me and I don't have to go to the grocery store daily.

My plan is to post each Friday (no later than Saturday) my menu plan for the preceding week with links or recipes included.  By posting at the end of the week I can add comments about the food, etc.  You should know that I generally cook every night except Friday and Saturday.  Friday is International Date Night for Walter and me and we always do something that doesn't involve my cooking.  Saturday we keep open for dinner parties or maybe cooking at home or maybe going out, so I don't plan anything for that night.  Also we sometimes have weeknight things to do.  All this is to say that you should not expect 7 meal plans!  What I post will reflect our real life...

So read and comment!  If you have a recipe you want to share, please email it to me and I'll post it once it goes on the weekly menu.  (I guess that means you'll know if I really ever try it - oh, the pressure!)

This still applies:
Mainly I just want to create memories.  'Cause that's all we really have.

"Transience is the force of time that makes a ghost of every experience. There was never a dawn, regardless how beautiful or promising, that did not grow into a noontime. There was never a noon that did not fall into afternoon. There was never an afternoon that did not fade toward evening. There never was a day yet that did not get buried in the graveyard of the night."   - John O'Donahue